Zildjian K Custom Fast Crashes (16", 18") Reviews 3

I tried these out at a music store since I was attempting to add to my setup.

Whatever's good in them is derived from the regular K Custom sound. They do tend to be lower pitched than the regular K Customs of the same size. The only other advantage is that they're really shiny.

The sound has less character than the standard K Custom Dark crash. There is less presence, and less cut. Side by side, they don't hold up. The sound is not as pentrating at medium to low volumes, which is what they were designed for.

They look nice and are a thin weight.

Buy the standard K Custom Dark Crash instead. Despite the fact that they look great, the sound is not quite worthy of the K Custom name.

R. Mayhem rated this unit 3 on 2003-05-07.

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